A lot has gone on in the last month and a half since my last posting. Most of it probably isn't at all interesting to anyone, myself included. For instance on Saturday I had this brilliant idea to bring back my beard. Growing a beard, while awesome, is not a unique idea. The absolute brilliance was the thought that if I trimmed my head hair lower than my beard hair then my beard would look less wimpy. Instead, I look kinda like a fat Reuben Studdard now.

Turning Point...
After becoming a citizen I had to face to reality that I once again could not vote. I decided to do the next best thing; I took my own advice and visited http://domorethanvote.org; I signed up for a "Rock the House (and Senate) Party." I got up and headed to Bed-Stuy by about 7am not knowing exactly what to expect out of that day.
It took about a half-hour before I was selling a candidate like a pro. I dealt with a great deal of people that day, actually I dealt mostly with answering machines which makes for quite an awkward conversation. The people I did speak to were mostly on the way to work and wanted nothing to do with me. At the end of the event I really felt like part of this great democracy.
Hear me now... bad
Kinda on the same theme of following through with things you believe in, I've switched my cell to Cingular; because I believe orange goop is cute. The really wanted to choose Verizon because most of the people I call are with them but ultimately I went with my conscience. The union busting tactics and general mean spirited lobbying done by Verizon was more than enough to get me going to Cingular; the only wireless company with a union. http://www.cwa-union.org/
There is more to come but I better get this one up before it gets lost like everything else has over the past month. Upcoming highlights: Housewarming Party, Wonder Twins and "Crap I got off Craig's List."