Visited Baltimore this past weekend. I visited the Great Black in Wax Museum while I was there and was inspired to write this poem. I didn't know what to expect when I went to the Museum but figured it was some soft-shoe around history that focused on "accomplishments." All I knew before going there was that they had Obama in wax so I prepared myself for the worst. It's still very rough, but, it's probably best kept this way.
Ripped from lives, land and loved ones
Betrayed by own, handed to the man
Shackled minds and bodies
Tortured, raped and dismembered
Remembered languages, religions and customs
Left on distant shores
For the land of the FREE, LIBERTY, JUSTICE
Broken minds, spirits and backs
From sun up to sun down and again
Land of opportunity only cause others lack
Wealth of nations owed to every crack of 9 tails
Picket fences, backyards and 2.5 kids
Built on hundreds of years of hopes and tears
Jim Crowed and left back
Force fed and then crack
Hits the streets with Strawberries, 9s
Now cops on the beat
With firearms aimed and night sticks
Swinging free
Like the strange fruit hanging, limbs loose
Create our own middle passage
Packed in Ghettoes and slums
Gunned down by fellow brothers
For whips, ice and pride
Past lost in the hustle
Ripped from Lands, Lovers
Betrayed by fellow brothers
Built at the tip of 9 tails