Friday, March 11, 2011

Closing Time, Sorta

I’ve been meaning to write a final post to close the blog down. There are a multitude of reasons that I found myself coming to this decision: lack of time, sporadic updates and a lack of focus. These few months of silence have given me an opportunity to finalize my decision or so I thought. I find myself lost in the world where there is more talk of a doped up actor instead of what truly matters in our daily lives. I found myself locked in discussion with a coworker that left me shocked at the disconnect there seems to be in this age of information. Just the other day I found myself in a short conversation with a friend concerning Wisconsin that concluded when he stated “they are always protesting anyway.”

Instead of shutting down I have found a focus, I want to continue my study of democracy and provide information that is not often highlighted, as well as commentary on how this is relevant in this day and age. I may change the name and even the address of the blog, but that will come at a later date.


Keysie said...

awwwwwwwww maaannnnnn :(

L BO said...

you should call it raw cotton. that'd be good.

pkiller said...

Charlie Sheen videos are a sign of a sick society.

Epic Meal Time, on the other hand, is a beacon of hope.

Good post, glad you're not leaving us.