South Africa to be exact...
I am sure I've heard this at least one time but I never took it literally. Of course I am not the one going to South Africa,

Jwow is. She'll be gone for like a year or something. Do you know how long a year is? How in the world am I going to remember things I did and need to do like bring my keys when I go home from work? The point is I won't. I will be living on the streets. Someone will try to help me find my home and I won't be able to contact anyone to supply information. Total and complete loss of everything. I mean, there is always X but he isn't nearly as available anymore. There needs to be some kind of transition of power back to "the cheif" or something.
How did this become about me? Am I that conceited? Yes. Wait, no. I dunno.
Back to the matter at hand...Quite a bit has occurred since I started this post. First a bunch of us got together for a goodbye dinner. As

usual instead of getting gifts for her going away she gave them. I know what you are thinking. Is this bizzaro world? No, it is jworld where things are completely flipped from how the real world works. She did the same thing on her birthday yet I was still surprised by the gift especially since it included a loofa. A LOOFA!!! The honey almond soap was appreciated though. As I stated on a previous posting, there is nothing like the exfoliating powers of almond.
Packing it...Now let me introduce to you another part of jworld. Where packing essentials for a trip to South Africa includes oreos and crayons the evening before. The morning of the trip, approximately 6am, the extras such as pants, shirts and things of the like can be taken care of. Only in Jworld.
Second time is the charm...I was asked one thing "pick me up at home and bring me to the airport." man did I bone that

up. I arrived over an hour later than I should have. Then we hit a great deal of traffic; at the end of the day I was eating quail and Jwow was NOT on a plane. We decided to try again the very next day but it seems that we did not learn the lessons of previous excursion. I decided to take a new way to the airport. Total Genius. We arrived late. She was able to get on the plane though, second time is the charm.
Five days in the making...Jwow is now safely in Capetown after a long exhausting journey. I started this post with the

hopes of completing it before jwow left. That clearly did not happen. I'm proud that janjan was able to follow through with exactly what she wanted. No matter what was in her way. It is one thing to talk a big game, like me, it's another to quit your job and pay to volunteer clear across the Atlantic. I hope to have that much courage and dedication some day. It's friends like these who keep e grounded and working to be a better person every day. I'll cut it right there cause I am gonna get yelled at for getting too mushy by "j to the."
You better be having fun
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