Sunday, January 14, 2007

"I want"

There, I said it. I don't care of it makes me seem selfish. I learned a long time ago in my "Eastern Religions" class that some believe that attachment to worldly goods is a bad thing. I am here to contradict great minds such as buddha and let you know that denying yourself is even worse.

The truth is we all do things in order to get something out of it. I I do not play basketball for the love of the game but for the good feeling I get from pushing myself to the limit. I helped a stranger out on the subway the other day merely because I want to single-handedly change the perception that New Yorkers aren't friendly.

I was a little ashamed at first to admit that I want. In order to hide the true nature of this list I titled it "TIW" instead of Things I Want; A list of worldly attachments that may make me seem a little childish. I think it is completely acceptable and grown up to realize that there are things that you can possess that will change your outlook on yourself and the world around you.

For instance if I had a Wii I would be less involved with politics. The games look so fun and addictive that I wouldn't have time to listen to the radio or read the paper. It's not that I would stop caring, no, I would merely cease knowing.

Wanting is not bad as long as it is done responsibly. Nobody would look down on me if I admitted that i want world peace, I don't think that every desire has to be so deep. I want an XBOX 360 but will not forfeit on my mortgage, car payment or rob someone in order to attain this. This is the "don't hang your hat where you can't reach" theory. Basically I think it is fine, in fact quite healthy to admit - to be truthful concerning wants because otherwise it just eats you up inside.

You know what they say "Sunshine is the best disinfectant." Take that Ghandi!!!


L BO said...

Sunshine sure is a better disinfectant than that crappy ass antibiotic cream in our "first aid kit." Geez that stuff sucks. I think laughter from Patch Adams works better on my cuts.

L BO said...

Things I want:

- More blog postings from you
- For you to hurry up and buy the PS3 and large screen HDTV and a new computer for me
- The ability to juggle really well
- Ecuador. I've got my reasons.

Keysie said...

"The truth is we all do things in order to get something out of it. I do not play basketball for the love of the game but for the good feeling I get from pushing myself to the limit. I helped a stranger out on the subway the other day merely because I want to single-handedly change the perception that New Yorkers aren't friendly."

Just like the battle over whether or not altruism exists...which, in my humble opinion, it does not.
But on a lighter note, i like neosporin- it works best on my cuts :)