There is currently a major cash/credit flow problem in the US and all over the world. Without going too far off the deep end, the whole reason we are in the mess we are in today is because large portions of the world decided to follow the U.S. model. The U.S. model can be best defined as unregulated, out of control capitalism. When capitalism is allowed to run amok in this fashion it also run afoul of democracy.
Given this foundation, or lack there of, there should be no surprise that we are in the position we are in today. Corporatist state anyone? When voting with your dollars is seen as equivalent to one person one vote.When it comes down to a 5-4 supreme court decision on whether campaign contributions can not be limited because such limits hinder free speech, something is seriously wrong. When money is concentrated in the hands of a few
Über rich people and corporations, something is wrong.
Now that there is some contraction in the credit markets banks are getting bailed out and home owners, the mythical little guy, get nothing. The dominoes have started falling and now the auto industry has come with hat in hand. The main sticking point to give a loan, not free money, is to reduce the pay of the union workers. No such thing was asked of the rank and file workers of the banks.
With all that said, these are only symptoms, our democracy is sick and needs to be resuscitated. Our democracy needs an informed active populous in order to live and live up to it's true potential.