Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The Transforming Ottoman

The Problem: A living room with no coffee/center table. A used ottoman that looked past it's prime.

The Objective: Turn the ottoman into a coffee table with storage while keeping it's functionality as an ottoman.

The Process:

Table top made from bamboo plants

Foam being attached to frame

Finished foam

Engineering + interior design

Chocolate vinyl wrapped around the frame


This is for the bottom/floor of the storage unit.

Bottom put in place.

Finished product in ottoman form

Finished product in coffee table form

Still coffee table form

Showing off both sides


Anonymous said...

Very creative! It's a three-in-one item: coffee table, storage unit, and ottoman. Great job!

koolredd said...

that's hotness son

L BO said...

you have diy groupies now!!
plus koolredd loves you, always.
didn't you used to be called chocolate vinyl in h.s.?