Monday, November 16, 2009

The Gap

There has recently been a lot of lamenting about the economy and for good reason. The list of obvious ills is well known, but what the heck:

  1. Unemployment is up
  2. Savings rates are in the negatives
  3. Foreclosures at record rates
  4. US deficits are sky-high

These are only symptoms of larger problems in our society and government; problems that we can all see and sense and agree on. I have to borrow an idea from my favorite MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. She has previously noted that there are certain issues that are so inflammatory that both ends of the political spectrum take sharp turns and run into each other.

I mention this because the tea parties have a lot of things right. Where we depart company is the focal point of their righteous anger is the government where I would say it’s the corporations. Our government has been corrupted by capitalism.

Our economy at this point and for the years I've been around has been designed so we serve it. We have been sold a bill of goods that equates company and Wall Street profits to economic success. This is the continuation of trickle-down theory which refuses to die even after being proven wrong. Trickle-down is the cousin of disaster capitalism for which the cannibalism phase is a natural outgrowth.

This has become all too real to me recently over the last 6 months as people close to me have lost their jobs. This has ranged from recent college grads to my mom who has been working forever. These people have or will be without health insurance as long as they are without jobs. It is getting easier and easier to fall through the gaps in our society as the social safety nets have been completely shredded. I believe it is time for us to reassess our social contracts and constructs, to refocus our energies on supporting and advancing individuals over corporations. To continue to have these gaps is irresponsible, embarrassing and just plain stupid. It’s time to fill in the gaps.


Unknown said...

Agreed but on that same note, both parties are beholden to corporate interests. How are we going to get our government representatives to do what's best for us over what's best for the corporations at this point?

L BO said...

We could always punch them...that's usually how I get anyone to do anything for me when they don't want to. Or maybe someone finally successfully challenges the "rule" that companies are entitled to the same freedoms and rights as any man or woman but none of the same penalties.
2.5 years and going strong, suck it health insurance.

koolredd said...

silly rabbit, capitalism is for those that get money. If you can't survive without your precious "social safety nets" you don't deserve to live.

Anonymous said...

People always tell me it's my smile that makes me different from most as we hustle through our day.

Lately it's been hard to feel joy and to keep a smile.

Haven't read your posts in while.

Was smiling before I started..finished the post and remembered why it is hard to keep a smile.
