I've been calling it research but it should be called Neglect. I've been considering what my next post should

Failures and Hard Times...
Though I find trying to put my thoughts to words kinda therapeutic, there's been a lot going through my mind that has kept me preoccupied. I've heard from some people that lists are good things. So this is my shot at a list.
List o' Crappiness
- Can't buy a condo
- Bum right knee
Not much of a list. I am clearly a beginner level list writer. Strictly following the definition I suppose two things can make a list but I personally think a list is better used when five or more things are involved. I need to get my list game up. When I decided on making a list I swore I had a billion things to write up. Feeble.
The Condo Speaks for itself...
Real Estate in NYC is ridiculous. Apparently two fairly steady paying jobs don't put you in the position to purchase a place around these parts. I am considering changing my name to Trump, the name alone has more equity than I can ever hope to build.
60 Year Old Knee...
My right knee is twice as old as the rest of me. I've had pain in it for quite a while; almost 10 years. I finally caved in a.k.a. got health insurance and got it checked out. I believe the doc said it was arthritis. He recommended arthroscopic surgery. While in his office I was convinced that surgery was the best choice. I've been reconsidering and now I am not sure.

This is likely what I will be going through. http://www.kneescope.org/Lbw/about.asp
Nut Soap...
I searched all over for the Yardley Oatmeal and Almond soap. Finally found it this week. I used to get it in Wegmans back in the days. If they need me for

It's Good Cause
- Not too fragrant
- exfoliating
- chunks of oats
Closer but still not a real list. Cucumber and Lavender versions. These lack the essential qualities from the above list
There was a special on the news the other day about the endless number of NYC residents with out of state plates. I guess it works. Been considering selling my car because insurance is so high. Maybe the best thing to do is to move out of NYC. Does Colorado have low car insurance?
I saw the Al Gore movie, it's mandatory viewing for some.
hi sherman! we saw the al gore documentary together. you like soap. or exfoliating stuffs. which is great 'cuz there's this thing i got for free (i actually won it! it wasn't just being handed out! woohoo! i'm a winner!) and i was thinking who do i give this away to? of course you came to mind in my own mental "list" of possible recipients, but you already have stuffs like this thing i won. but see now i know you're a slut for it, so the more the better! i'm adding to the package!!! 'hope you feel like carrying something w/you the whooole day. like yesterday's bag o' vomit-inducing hot dog 'n' chili cheese fries. yay -- boo -- vomit. isn't there a character limit on this? ok bye! j =)
i'm reading over my comment and editing... http://www.cafepress.com/wikipedia.18988877
I edit my comments all the time that's why there is a day lag on most of my posts.
Perhaps I need to scroll up instead of down when reading your posts. I went from knee to nut and got the wrong impression!! You get me right (body parts) -- anyway, I now get it. Nuts as in edible nuts or legumes (are nuts legumes?, I don't want to look it up right now!
More thug love? Didn't get enough in prison?
I, Larry, resolve right now to never, ever, ever, publish any useful comments. All will be making fun of you. Or someone else, who I want to. And kind of jerk-y.
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