Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Cane only goes so far

3.5 feet to be exact

I had my surgery yesterday and everything went alright. My mom and X stayed at the hospital while they operated on me. I was told that I was only going to be put under local anesthesia but the concoction I got was as general as could be. Before I knew it I was stripped down to less than my skivvies but adorned in the latest hospital fashion. It was a colorful outfit with and open back that is all the rage these days. Anyway, I don't recall anything from my operation at all. One minute I was on the table and the next minute I was being helped into a wheelchair. A little groggy, definitely hungry soon I was snacking on my fair share of graham crackers, cranberry juice and ginger ale.

I caned along to the car with my old-man cane but it was not until I got into the car that I first figured out the true power. I slid myself into the back seat of the car and then I was in a bit of a pickle. With my leg stretched out across the back seat of my car I couldn't reach the door on the far side of the vehicle. This is where the 3.5 feet of reach came in handy, I didn't have to move-the cane would do the work for me.

Now I am a professional with the cane. I can operate my air conditioner, lights and various other devices by "remote." I've also discovered several enhancements in windows so I can use the computer more effectively. As a matter of fact I've almost fully mastered typing while laying comfortably on my back. I find that the accessibility options such as the magnifying glass and the on-screen keyboard are quite helpful in addition to wireless keyboard and mouse.

I'd be all set if I had a grabbing stick.

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