Thursday, September 20, 2007

Conan O'Brien

Yesterday was International Talk Like arrgh Pirate Day and thanks to LBO I was able to enjoy this special day as an audience member at the Conan O'Brien show. DJ, Pkilla, Lb0 and I were entertained by future Hollywood stars Joy Behar and Brad Garrett. Brad Garrett was actually funny and the show was filled with the usual low budget humor. The charm of toy cars being pulled along one of the NBC hallways by fishing line never gets old.

Some things about the show did surprise me though. The set is incredibly tiny; Max Weinberg actually sits on Conan's lap the entire show. Conan also looked a little like he was under the weather. He looked incredibly skinny and his face was sunken and a little more wrinkled than I thought it should be. The contrast between his face and the red hair is even greater in person; I think that's what actually makes him look washed out. I am sure the makeup didn't help.

I had tons of fun at the show but was definitely disappointed that there wasn't even one reference to I.T.L.P.D.

Nobody is Perfect.

1 comment:

L BO said...

conan o brien actually resembles "the joker" a lot, if the joker had red hair. and was way funnier.

also, alas, i be out of llb. yaaaargh.