Friday, September 21, 2007

Going Back again

I remember?

I tend to forget: People, places, occasions and things. Time travel would remedy all of this. For instance I met a gentleman on the subway the other day who attended Hunter with me. He recognized me even though he said that I gained some weight since high school. I didn't say anything when he said that. Anyway, I could have gone back 8 or 9 years to figure out who in the world this dude was. I am sure I knew him at some point in time but I couldn't really make any useful connections. There was a slight glimmer of hope when he showed me his hunter ID but whatever was sparked faded rather quickly.

Times like this make me seriously question how I will manage as I get on in age. Am I a candidate for early onset Alzheimer's? Hopefully there is a cure for all of this sometime in the future. Too bad I haven't built a time machine as yet.


Sometimes you have to go backwards to leap forward. I have decided to go back to school again. This is my second try at it, my first was an attempt at Brooklyn College C.S. M.S. this summer. I am sure this go around will be much better as Computer Architechture is more my cup of tea.

Before long everyone will have to call me Master James.

1 comment:

L BO said...

speaking of going backwards and time travel...hopin 3rd time's the charm man.