Thursday, May 27, 2010

A long way to you

(April 23rd)
I started this journey @ 2am. The day was new, there was a crispness in the air. The truth is that this journey started 2 months ago, we were new; still much left to be discovered. From the day we met i knew that i had to come back to you.

Each torturous day soothed by your garbled voice over skype. Reconstructed in my brain to sound like the more like your particular pitch. I have closed the distance yet too many miles and hours still seperate us. I am doing hard time and the airport aiting area is my cell.

I have been bounced around, turned around, rerouted and overbooked. Yet I find myself single-minded, focus and determined to get to you. My desire is to breathe, to eat and to be with you. Minutes turns to hours and the sun begins to fade away from this day.

The setting sun is a glorious crimson, mirroring the delight, the passion I feel having returned to your presence. This feels like the first time, like catterpillars reaching their prime, like the butterflies let loose in my mind. A universe of possibilities, combinations and permutations have led you to me and us to now.

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