Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pizza and Other things

Now that DiFara's is closed 2 Boots has become my favorite joint. If you go there just get the Newman and call it a day. It isn't topped with fresh basil and doesn't have delicious black bison mozzarella but it is well spiced and the cornmeal gives it a unique texture. Nothing will ever replace DiFara's in my heart; by the way after further research it seems that Difara's might be open again.

I apologize for the really poor english in the last posting and probably this. I hope that as I write more my prose will develop and become more polished. If you really want to see some expert writing I would recommend LB0's blog. It's updated more frequently than mine and is far more beautifully written. I hope to reach those heights some day but I still remain a peon.

My birthday is April 15th. I plan on celebrating but I am not sure how. There's a Knicks game on the 16th. I was also thinking of throwing back a couple of drinks. There is also a possiblity of a house party on the 14th. More on this later...


Anonymous said...

A par-tee! A house par-tee!

You don't really want to watch the Knicks lose and/or barely scrape out a win on your birthday, do you? Wouldn't you much rather hang out at the post office and watch people scramble to file their taxes on time? It's GOLD I tell you.

HumanDynamo said...

good point

L BO said...

You would totally kick ass if you wrote the entire blog in sign language. Fo real!