Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A whole heap of change

I don't hate Suze Orman. In fact I've taken at least one piece of advice that she has dished out on her show and applied it to life. I no longer spend change, I save any coins in my piggy bank a.k.a a small plastic cup to cash in at the end of the year. I call it the office space theory; unlike the characters in the movie this has not yet netted millions of dollars for the save a Dynamo fund. Now all I need is a Swingline stapler and I am home free.

I recently changed jobs, in fact today makes it a month at the new place. The digs still have the new place smell and feel. Everyone loves me and treats me like a superstar: I'm enjoying it. I've worked for only non-profits my entire life till this point. It's a real change in some ways but I know the stinky underbelly known as "the bottom line" and it is the same everywhere. Non-profits battle for grants and corporations work for growth. Neither is inherently wrong but these goals tend to lay waste to anything in their path.

Almost every morning I am greeted by the sounds of James Brown filling the office as I prepare my breakfast. Few things are better than getting your morning started off on a "good foot " while sipping tea with honey and lemon. Slide a "generously" toasted muffin my way and I am practically in heaven.

I am slowly discovering that I may be the quiet type and that I only rarely come out of my shell. There are several branch offices I need to make contact with from time to time and I find that I am nervous every time I have to place a call. Before long I find myself in fairly comical conversations with receptionists or branch managers after stuttering through my opening lines.

Maybe I am one of those ugly girls from the movies who are clearly hot but my hair is up and an bun and I'm wearing ugly glasses??? I can't wait for my health insurance to kick in so I can buy a new pair.

It's late...


L BO said...

Yea, and if you keep eating generously buttered muffins you'll be ugly, fatty betty

Anonymous said...

Then what you waiting for ...take your hair down, slap on that make-up and get some contacts ---then all those who only know beauty on the outside will flow to you, only for you to realize that there were some who knew you were beautiful all along! I think you also have to get a really sexy dress too...isn't that the way it works??

Anonymous said...

I can come with? when you go shopping for new eyes?? -Jen

Keysie said...

"Almost every morning I am greeted by the sounds of James Brown filling the office as I prepare my breakfast."

You have music playing in your office??!! jealous...

"I am slowly discovering that I may be the quiet type and that I only rarely come out of my shell. There are several branch offices I need to make contact with from time to time and I find that I am nervous every time I have to place a call. Before long I find myself in fairly comical conversations with receptionists or branch managers after stuttering through my opening lines."

Ahem- we are referred to as Administrative Assistants, thank you very much :) sorry i hassled you but i couldn't resist- you were SO GREEN!