I recently changed jobs, in fact today makes it a month at the new place. The digs still have the new place smell and feel. Everyone loves me and treats me like a superstar: I'm enjoying it. I've worked for only non-profits my entire life till this point. It's a real change in some ways but I know the stinky underbelly known as "the bottom line" and it is the same everywhere. Non-profits battle for grants and corporations work for growth. Neither is inherently wrong but these goals tend to lay waste to anything in their path.
Almost every morning I am greeted by the sounds of James Brown filling the office as I prepare my breakfast. Few things are better than getting your morning started off on a "good foot " while sipping tea with honey and lemon. Slide a "generously" toasted muffin my way and I am practically in heaven.
I am slowly discovering that I may be the quiet type and that I only rarely come out of my shell. There are several branch offices I need to make contact with from time to time and I find that I am nervous every time I have to place a call. Before long I find myself in fairly comical conversations with receptionists or branch managers after stuttering through my opening lines.
Maybe I am one of those ugly girls from the movies who are clearly hot but my hair is up and an bun and I'm wearing ugly glasses??? I can't wait for my health insurance to kick in so I can buy a new pair.
It's late...
Yea, and if you keep eating generously buttered muffins you'll be ugly, fatty betty
Then what you waiting for ...take your hair down, slap on that make-up and get some contacts ---then all those who only know beauty on the outside will flow to you, only for you to realize that there were some who knew you were beautiful all along! I think you also have to get a really sexy dress too...isn't that the way it works??
I can come with? when you go shopping for new eyes?? -Jen
"Almost every morning I am greeted by the sounds of James Brown filling the office as I prepare my breakfast."
You have music playing in your office??!! jealous...
"I am slowly discovering that I may be the quiet type and that I only rarely come out of my shell. There are several branch offices I need to make contact with from time to time and I find that I am nervous every time I have to place a call. Before long I find myself in fairly comical conversations with receptionists or branch managers after stuttering through my opening lines."
Ahem- we are referred to as Administrative Assistants, thank you very much :) sorry i hassled you but i couldn't resist- you were SO GREEN!
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