Saturday, April 28, 2007

I really hate dollar vans

I was chillin' with some two boots Newman pizza last Sunday when I get a call from my mom. She was hanging out with her new grandchild; what she hopes is the first of many. I am guessing a lot of "gooo goo ga gas" were said throughout the course of that day, possibly some nose stealing and other assorted wicked tricks grown folk play on kids when they are too tiny to understand most things in life.

At some point in the day she proposed stepping out in the next weather and visiting the beach. My mother, though she was born on an island, does not like the beach or know how to swim. She also doesn't really like the beach for the most part but it suppose it seemed like the thing to say at the time. So my bro decides to pile everyone ( girlfriend, baby, mother) into his 2 door car and head towards the shore.

After some finagling they got the car seat in and mom in the back and were ready to head out. Barely 5 minutes into the trip they stop to allow a car to turn or something and as they wait for their chance to continue on the unthinkable happens. This stupid dollar van like every other loves to weave in and out of traffic like it's a slalom course. Of course this do this with absolutely no regard for the other vehicles on the road.

During it's travel this particular dollar van decides to disregard the car that has stopped in front of it and plows into the back of this car which then plows into the back of my brothers car. "The car was totaled in the back but everyone is alright. Nobody is hurt but your brother is complaining about some pain in his neck", the smile and joy brought on by the Newman were wiped off my face as my mom said those words.

I've joked about how resilient babies are but I was really scared of what could have happened to my niece. She's been on this earth for barely 3 months and I've barely seen her. I'm probably the worst uncle ever as the cute and fragile stage of my niece scares me. I was waiting till she toughens up a little before rough housing with her but this incident serves as a reminder for how precious time is.

It also proves that babies are basically made of rubber.


L BO said...

There's no way this idea of rough housing with your neice could turn out bad. If you're waiting till she gets toughened up, will you wait until she's 21, has a nose ring, a tattoo, a leather biker jacket and a boyfriend named Animal?

Keysie said...

lbo is right...its best to toughen her up now- playgrounds can be a rough environment for a kid :)