Thursday, August 21, 2008


I have a problem. I have a serious addiction. It all started off as innocent experimenting. I heard others talk and my interest was piqued. I can't recall the first time I tried, or even how. It was probably my brother though; he was in the navy and experimented with lots of stuff.

I can't help buying organic foods and strolling around farmer's markets. I know the days and and hours of each one and try to buy from as many stands as possible. Sometimes I don't even need some of the stuff they are pushing, but they look at me with the "I'm a farmer" face and I can't help myself.

It's not that I don't enjoy my trips to the market, I do, it's just that I feel compelled to. It's a fresh produce and other goods O.C.D. I get to talk directly to the person who produces my food. For instance I learned one farm likes to name their animals and print their life story on the ordering sheet for their meat.

It feels good to know that Chris was born on a sunny day in May and lived a pampered life with all the grass he could eat. He especially liked the end of the field with the yellow flowers and would lay there for hours at end soaking in the sunlight. It makes the rare bit of sirloin so much better.

There are markets and organic foods all over the place. Enjoy

(Not edited. Deal with it)

1 comment:

L BO said...

Naming the animals you're gonna eat is horrible.