O my. It's lighter than air and razor sharp. I immediately became that chef dude from the infomercials; slicing cleanly through things I would later regret using as props. This ninja in training setup an obstacle course (tomatoes on toothpicks) and diced through the gauntlet. Before long, I was also lightly tossing cherry tomatoes at the knife and watching in complete awe as they were split in two.
When it was finally time to get to cooking I found it difficult to prepare food. Unaccustomed with such a sharp knife I found myself going deep into the cutting board. Cutting with this knife is like a papercut; so light and clean you barely know any work has been done till everything falls apart.
(Proof reading is for losers)
1 comment:
That's nice and all, but do you have any photos of JUST styrofoam peanuts?
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