Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I am a Liberal: The Conservative

I stand in the middle of the extremists. There are those who think everything America does is good.

The conservative mindset has no self-awareness to speak of; it consists of bravado with little to back it up. The one theme, the single thread of consciousness which everything else springs from, is that America is a gift to the world. This jingoist views American history through the equivalent of beer goggles; the so-so girl next door becomes a modeling chick after enough brews have been knocked back.

The conservative premise leads to circular logic that we see in "debates" of the day: America does not torture therefore "waterboarding" is not illegal. America "waterboards" in a "humane" way. These arguments disregard facts in settled law and history.

Symbols of our racist past, to say nothing of our present, are white-washed so people feel free to fly the confederate flag. This logic prevades in more just conservatives; I know far too many people who refuse to see that an unprovoked attack is a illegal.

This is not to say that pride in ones nation has no place, on the contrary, pride is what leads you to want you nation to be at it's best. This means knowing and accepting it's full history; the good, the bad and the indefferent.

True pride means working to improve on its failings and conserving, yes conserving, the points of greatness.

1 comment:

koolredd said...

points of greatness?? is that the freedom to exploit people all over, steal natural resources, destroy local economies, perform coups and install puppet leaders who will obey your will? is this that "resistance is futile", if you can't beat 'em, join 'em kinda logic? if so, God Bless the great America