Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I am a Liberal: The Liberal

I stand in the middle of the extremists. I am a real Liberal, I want real change.

A true liberal is someone who is broad minded. This is sometimes twisted to mean someone without principles, but that is the furthest from the truth. I define Liberisms principles by the words of the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Since this is the founding principle of our government it is these principles that every governing body should keep in mind.

Every person should be able to have a full life regardless of the circumstances they are born into. This is why Universal Healthcare is a right not a luxury. Basic Healthcare , preventive care and non-cosmetic service should be readily and freely available. There is and should be a place for private healthcare for those who choose to pay for additional services.


This is best stated as a mash-up of the first and fourth ammendments. I really can't do a better job of explaining it than that.

Pursuit of Happiness...

A person is "happy" if the first two principles are fulfilled but there is more to life. A person should have a reasonable opportunity to make a living for themselves and their family. In order to do this a higher education should be freely available according to ones acuity and a minimum standard of a living wage should be applied.

These are principles I hope everyone can stand by.

1 comment:

koolredd said...

typical liberal confusion: profess high-minded principles in one breath and in the very next breath identify with the greatest imperialist nation on earth, the greatest purveyor of death and destruction. Your "life", "liberty" and pursuit of capital accumulation comes with the price of the blood of struggling masses around the world. There is no middle ground. Either you are actively working to destroy the U.S. or you are complicit in crimes around the world and even its own citizens