Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I am a Liberal: The Revolutionary

I stand in the middle of the extremists. There are those who believe America is good for nothing.

Jefferson has been famously quoted (not by any revolutionaries I know) as saying that occasionally the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants. What human history has shown time and time again is that tyranny is what stays standing. Well meaning individuals usually pave the way for tyrants.

The truth is that whatever justice is gained through blood-shed is usually tainted by it; This is the falicy of the violent revolutionary. The aim is to bring down a government for a laundry list of crimes ranging from war crimes to wrongful imprisonment.

This blind following of the ends justifying the means puts the revolutionary and the conservative in the same box. The cause is so pure that whatever actions taken to achieve their utopia is irrelevant.

I respect the revolutionary, vision, passion and devotion; I don't agree with the means. If this could be tapped and channeled to the masses real change could happen.

1 comment:

koolredd said...

Show me where there has ever been a non-violent Revolution. To paraphrase something my man Freddy D said, those who profess to want real change but depreciate Revolutionary violence are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning.