Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"Some Call it Vicodin"

"I call it my friend"

I claimed yesterday that I was pain free, this is no longer true. Somewhere around Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I started feeling what I thought was a cramp. I am now sure after waking this morning that it was most certainly real pain. I tried as I could to fight the urge to take any medication early in the morning but I finally broke down-I began fumbling through pain killers. This fumbling went on for several hours. Fumbling with a cane and bottles of pills is as difficult as it sounds. I finally decided to curl up with a box of Wegmans "clusters" cereal and soy milk, don't ask, along with OJ and Vicodin. Yup, I passed up on the extra strength Tylenol or Percocet and went for the Vicodin; bad idea.

See, I failed to grasp the finer point of having the drugs after finishing off my meal. Before I knew it I felt nauseous, my vision became blurry and my body became quite weak. I think I got hot flashes as well. It was not pretty. It all broke within ten minutes but i didn't feel right for the rest of the day. I love to eat but as a result of this experience I'm still having trouble to keep down any food.

It's really amazing what can be done with a cane.

Cane Accomplishments

  • take pictures
  • put on shorts


HumanDynamo said...

comment test

priscilla said...

You and your fancy operations! I think I like these doctors better:"

But with all this time off, shouldn't you be blogging 8 times as much? Or at least building me a flying DeLorean?

Anonymous said...


Awesome Doctors