Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Cousin of Death

I feel lighter than air
I become unaware
of the world around
a tingle at the toes
feet cannot be found
a shallow breath
now I cannot feel my chest
sensations of being and knowing gone
slowly the veil of darkness washes over m
my last thoughts filled with fear
fear of what I might find there
I have no control as I sink deep
into that thing called sleep


At various points it seems that I've had trouble accepting the natural act of falling asleep. I tend to click on and off like a light switch, non CFL of course. Slowly drifting away is so foriegn to me that the loss of control freaks me out everytime. I was having such an event and found the above piece was the result of breaking out of the drift. If any of this doesn't make sense, its because I should have been asleep 2 hours ago.

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