There is a much disputed scale that I have started using due to influence from my Aussie boss. This scale attempts to put into perspective how hot some celebrities are. I am of course referring to the finger scale.
The application of this scale is just as simple as its founding principles. Step one :choose a superfine woman to idolize. Step two: decide how many fingers you'd give up to get with her. Let's take a real world example. I'm a big Jessica Alba fan from the Dark Angel days and I would happily give 8 for her back then, unfortunately she has become skin and bones recently, she now rates a three.
Shakira! Shakira!

Right after the Akon song, as far as I remember at least, a Shakira song came on. I frankly don't recall the name of the song but it did remind me of how big a fan I am. Shakira was of course doing the pseudo belly dance. This is the long way of saying that I'd give both hands up to my elbows for 2 minutes. She's what The Streets meant by "you're fit but you know it."
the scale is off. here's why. it would take a woman of the jessica biel quality (who is, by all rights, the hottest woman on the planet. SCIENCE!) to make me want to give up any of my fingers. And any fingers removed over 1 is just superfluous. What are you going to do with 2 fingers? Ok, maybe that was a bad question. Still, you can't grab up on her with no hand. Self-mutilation shouldn't be used to try to get a pity-f*ck.
I see your "SCIENCE!" and call your Bouff with a "PIRATE!" Things I can do with 2 fingers:
1. Type like J$
2. Fingerboard (http://www.freewebs.com/fingerboard_net/fingerboard%20backflip.jpg)
I can still grab as long as I have at least one of my opposable wonders and another finger, preferably on the same hand. What is the higher purpose of self mutilation if not used for such a grand scheme?
that conversation...cracked me up. good stuff gentlemen.
Like J$ would say, HD, RESPECT WOMEN, YO!
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