Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holiday Flowetry
The holidays tend to be tough for lots of people and it proved to be difficult for me as well. It is a time to be with family and friends and we all know that the people we care about most are the ones who screw with our heads the most. I don't have basketball during the winter to get my frustrations out so I turn to my poetry. There is a lot more stuff to come, but, this is what is ready right now.
Strange Times
We living in strange times
Black president in white house
While black residents cant buy one
still in hoods and red lined
Checkbooks balanced with red lines
Wars in the name of Freedom
Battles in the name of peace
Brave souls "stoplossed"
Hundred thousand of their lives lost
To revenge 3 thousand of our own
No longer reserved
Now your chance to serve
Your city Your country the world
Peace prize handed to a man at war
At war with the world his party
and common sense
Things aint be so common since
That fateful day that scarred us all
Bravado is no more the norm
Wound still fresh and sore
We will never heal in the strange times
Scars are peeled exposing the raw
Time to treat that wound
Bring the nightmare to an end
Everyday we on the run
From the hustla on the corner
To the corner office
Playing the game of life
Got a choice to leave the hood
On the slab of the coroner
Or a Primetime baller
Chance is on the first
Unless you can "Just do it"
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
First outing alone
I don't usually roll anywhere unless I am with someone. I in fact did this somewhat reluctantly. It just feels weird to be completely solo; I’ve heard that people like to go where everybody knows your name. The one exception to all of this is when I take long walks through the city. Here I am at the tea lounge with a cup of chai - in a seat for one - waiting for the show to begin.
A two man band with a beatbox artist and a guitar player, sounds like a decent idea. What if this bad also guest starred a belly dancer; A 5'7 beauty that moved to the beatbox as if it were her heartbeat. I believe this is the closest approximation to heaven that I will ever see.
I was pleasantly surprised when her "twin" came on stage for a solo performance. I actually wasn't sure this was a different person, as she went by the same name, till I saw the hummingbird tattoo that adorned her back and right side. To close out the set the set of "twins" came out to do a performance in stereo. Yeah.
The guys with the instruments were also talented. I hear that they will be at BAM this Saturday. I hope they bring the twins.
I went to the pisser during intermission and drew the one with the broken lock. Pissing with the door open, my dreams have come true. I hear the door open and shut midstream. When I walk out I am pleasantly surprised that it was a chick I'd noticed earlier.
As I passed my I let her know about the lock. She went in to verify my information then walked out and stood outside looking perplexed. Noticing a damsel in distress I doubled back and offered my security services. She accepted my offer to guard the door for her, unfortunately, I was not able to turn this masterpiece of chivalry into bedding her. I am still disappointed to this day. She had 2 friends who were just as good looking, my loss.
After the music and dancing I didn't want to head home so I chased the chai with a glass of Proseco. I didn't find any answers at the bottom of the glass and there wasn't another act coming so I headed home.
The right and the just
Cause and title of the righteous
The Kings and the Ghandis
Peace makers and freedom fighters
War presidents and escalating troops
Half lies and half truth
Secret wars and collateral damage
A democracy failing
Its people and its ideal
Old men cast young lives
The dedicated the valiant
The last option to topple tyrants
Still nothing Nobel in war
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Gap
There has recently been a lot of lamenting about the economy and for good reason. The list of obvious ills is well known, but what the heck:
- Unemployment is up
- Savings rates are in the negatives
- Foreclosures at record rates
- US deficits are sky-high
These are only symptoms of larger problems in our society and government; problems that we can all see and sense and agree on. I have to borrow an idea from my favorite MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. She has previously noted that there are certain issues that are so inflammatory that both ends of the political spectrum take sharp turns and run into each other.
I mention this because the tea parties have a lot of things right. Where we depart company is the focal point of their righteous anger is the government where I would say it’s the corporations. Our government has been corrupted by capitalism.
Our economy at this point and for the years I've been around has been designed so we serve it. We have been sold a bill of goods that equates company and Wall Street profits to economic success. This is the continuation of trickle-down theory which refuses to die even after being proven wrong. Trickle-down is the cousin of disaster capitalism for which the cannibalism phase is a natural outgrowth.
This has become all too real to me recently over the last 6 months as people close to me have lost their jobs. This has ranged from recent college grads to my mom who has been working forever. These people have or will be without health insurance as long as they are without jobs. It is getting easier and easier to fall through the gaps in our society as the social safety nets have been completely shredded. I believe it is time for us to reassess our social contracts and constructs, to refocus our energies on supporting and advancing individuals over corporations. To continue to have these gaps is irresponsible, embarrassing and just plain stupid. It’s time to fill in the gaps.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I and Love and You
I've re-entered the dating scene after what has been a long hiatus; actually I am not even sure that I can consider what I used to do as dating. So far I have met and gone out with two women. The first one was one and done; the story of the second is still being written.
The first thing I've realized in this newfound dating life is that my lifestyle is not conducive to meeting eligible women:
- I have weird hours
- I'm about 60 in my head
- I'm quite timid on first contact
The weird hours are an obvious detriment. I end up being a complete bore as I wake at 5am and am unable to effectively communicate after 9:12pm. I'm home at 4:30 most days at which point I never feel like dragging myself to a happy hour and such. Half the time I feel like strangling someone who cut me off or people who park like assholes on my block.
I'm obviously still a spry 28 year old but which 28 year old uses "spry" to refer to themselves. I'm pretty steady and reliable and I tend to carry myself that way. My first choice of a car was a sensible hybrid, I only considered spinners after I saw my cousin's fisher price first Escalade. I like a good drink in moderation - I'm getting bored describing how boring I am.
I've always joked that I would take Martha Stewart over Alicia Keys, but, I am beginning to think I may like older women; someone more my speed. I would come home after a long day and I would call Martha over for a glass of red wine. We'd have some small talk about politics, food and the undue corporate influence in our society and both of us would be tuckered out at 9 or so.
The last and certainly not the least of my problems is that I am shy on first contact. I also can't understand rejection or being rejected. I am sure that I am better than 98% of the bozos out their yet I have experienced rejection. What is worse is the type of rejection I've been party to.
I feel like I have been dealt the weirdo card a couple times. Kinda like the pimple you find on your nose and ignore with the hope it just realizes it isn’t welcomed. It would have been easier on me if I got a call that went something like this: "I realize that you're a great guy and you would be wonderful for me, but I'm whack. I don't want you to waste anymore of your valuable time on a lost cause like me. Goodbye." It doesn't have to be word for word but you get the idea.
I've been given lots of advice along the way. The best has been to regain my confidence. To do that I must come to the realization that I am the most interesting man in the world. I started off that quest by finding interesting things about myself, everything, and then breaking some of my tendencies. I started with a trip to a semi local bar and am trying to actively engage people I meet at the green market. I am sure that this is like anything else, it takes work. Eventually I will reach the point where I find someone I can say those words to "I and Love and You."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Txting iz cool
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Rhode Island Adventurer
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Waxing Poetic
Visited Baltimore this past weekend. I visited the Great Black in Wax Museum while I was there and was inspired to write this poem. I didn't know what to expect when I went to the Museum but figured it was some soft-shoe around history that focused on "accomplishments." All I knew before going there was that they had Obama in wax so I prepared myself for the worst. It's still very rough, but, it's probably best kept this way.
Ripped from lives, land and loved ones
Betrayed by own, handed to the man
Shackled minds and bodies
Tortured, raped and dismembered
Remembered languages, religions and customs
Left on distant shores
For the land of the FREE, LIBERTY, JUSTICE
Broken minds, spirits and backs
From sun up to sun down and again
Land of opportunity only cause others lack
Wealth of nations owed to every crack of 9 tails
Picket fences, backyards and 2.5 kids
Built on hundreds of years of hopes and tears
Jim Crowed and left back
Force fed and then crack
Hits the streets with Strawberries, 9s
Now cops on the beat
With firearms aimed and night sticks
Swinging free
Like the strange fruit hanging, limbs loose
Create our own middle passage
Packed in Ghettoes and slums
Gunned down by fellow brothers
For whips, ice and pride
Past lost in the hustle
Ripped from Lands, Lovers
Betrayed by fellow brothers
Built at the tip of 9 tails
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Where do your Health Care Premiums go?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Health Care Debate Part 1
I will not every pay any attention to the unrealistic/outrageous questions that some ask.
The Other side:
1. How much is this expansion going to cost us?
The short answer is less. The long answer is that we don't know. The fact is that we already have the highest healthcare costs and the poorest outcomes in the "developed" world. Countries with Universal systems use their bargaining power to rein in costs. For instance the very same drugs cost less in Canada; savings range from 20 -45%.
2. What about long waits? I've heard they ration in Canada and those other socialist Lands.
Health insurance already rations. We judge people's worth to society based on their pocketbook. Fat cats get the best treatment. Health insurance workers decide whether people should have based on their bottom line, they even have metrics that are judged by Wall Street money in/payments for procedures.
3. Those damned illegals will use it!
"Illegals" already use the emergency rooms and that comes directly from you and I. The point is to formally account for these costs. Its best to treat people before a minor thing escalates into something more dangerous. Treating all with respect and the best care is the compassionate thing to do.
4. The government can't run anything!
We come together as a society because the whole is greater than the sum of our parts. The government is not a mythical giant living on Capitol Hill, we are the government. Our family members serve in the armed services, post offices and fire houses. All of these are government agencies that play vital roles in our everyday lives and do so admirably.
5. I'm happy with my Doctor can I still see her/him?
Hopefully. Many doctors over the years have shifted between and off the various Health Insurance plan. This is a free country, just as you want a choice of plans; Doctors want the freedom to move between networks.
Health care is a right, without it, life is not possible, liberty and happiness cannot be pursued. Right now we are carelessly discussing and calculating the worth of those without health insurance. People are standing up and shouting that fellow Americans are not good enough. I believe our obligation to protect Americans should go beyond military might; the health of everyone on our soil is just as significant.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Donnie Darco
I believe the trade was an honest mistake made by Donnie Walsh. He isn't trying to form the future of the Knicks, a run and gun team, fact is reaching into their past. What he wants to do is recreate the old 90s teams. He admired the toughness and the blue collar type attitude of the Oakman. In awe of the bruising style of AnthonyMason. and the inability of Charles Smith to make just 1 basket.
It seems that Walsh got to watching old tapes of the Knickerbockers sharpening their elbows on the likes of the Pacers and Bulls. See, he meant to get Miletich and not Milicic.
Miletich, who came up with the fighting system, seemed like exactly what the the team needed to fill the middle. He would be the intimidating force the Knicks would build a defensive force around. It was an honest mistake that neither Darko nor Walsh should be blamed for.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mugging (Dont Get Caught up)
Tie on so I can be fly
Ensemble tight to make the right
The hair is lined just sharp can be
Perhaps this time will be different
I get noticed as soon as I walk in
"Ooo someone is Fancy"
"I knew it was a special day"
They part so we are close
Small talk prevails
Drinks and Dance come next
Get close not sure what to expect
despite best efforts still nil
its chill but no love returned
now night over, feeling bummed
shunned and stunned and done
Beat down and robbed of my dignity
Pity but today was no different
and neither will the next
There is always hope
A recipe for getting caught up
Monday, June 22, 2009
I am proud to introduce you to : Black Marty Rackham. This got my wheels a turning, in fact I became very disappointed in myself. Somehow I had overlooked the fact that I was never graced with a pirate name, I had also failed to give one to my peoples.
Time to rectify...
LBO : Lord IronLeg la Bouff
Y-O : Captain Redbeard the Feared
AK : Alvilda Gunpowder the Konquerer
X : Barbarossa der Tantzer
DJ : Sir Diabolito Skillz
RK: Mad Abednego the Fierce
Jron: Sir Ronald of Morgan
Arrr! tis a fearsome crew.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Scale

There is a much disputed scale that I have started using due to influence from my Aussie boss. This scale attempts to put into perspective how hot some celebrities are. I am of course referring to the finger scale.
The application of this scale is just as simple as its founding principles. Step one :choose a superfine woman to idolize. Step two: decide how many fingers you'd give up to get with her. Let's take a real world example. I'm a big Jessica Alba fan from the Dark Angel days and I would happily give 8 for her back then, unfortunately she has become skin and bones recently, she now rates a three.
Shakira! Shakira!

Right after the Akon song, as far as I remember at least, a Shakira song came on. I frankly don't recall the name of the song but it did remind me of how big a fan I am. Shakira was of course doing the pseudo belly dance. This is the long way of saying that I'd give both hands up to my elbows for 2 minutes. She's what The Streets meant by "you're fit but you know it."
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Cousin of Death
I become unaware
of the world around
a tingle at the toes
feet cannot be found
a shallow breath
now I cannot feel my chest
sensations of being and knowing gone
slowly the veil of darkness washes over m
my last thoughts filled with fear
fear of what I might find there
I have no control as I sink deep
into that thing called sleep
At various points it seems that I've had trouble accepting the natural act of falling asleep. I tend to click on and off like a light switch, non CFL of course. Slowly drifting away is so foriegn to me that the loss of control freaks me out everytime. I was having such an event and found the above piece was the result of breaking out of the drift. If any of this doesn't make sense, its because I should have been asleep 2 hours ago.
Lonely Ranger
I can't quite pinpoint what is wrong with me. I tend to think of myself as a friendly person. I am good at engaging people in one on one conversations; I love telling elaborate stories about the most mundane of things. I would say it is anxiety linked to meeting new people but that couldn't have come into play for the reunion.
What does this all mean? I am an anti-social loon with no good reason for the things I do. The Big City kid who hates big groups?
The Ranger rides again...
Hybrid Theory
Moving from Jersey back to Brooklyn and away from my job means I lose some of the things I have become comfortable with. Gone are the days of being picked up by my boss. Sleeping in the car is no longer an option. Public transport is not a viable option; it wasn't even serviceable the first time around.
So far I've test driven a used Prius and have interest in the civic hybrid. The Prius was tricked out with navigation and bluetooth sync. In the end I wasn't thrilled with the look or the price of the Prius.
The Civic hybrid is based on the well known Civic body style so it doesn't look half bad. Unlike the Prius, the Civic is a mild Hybrid which is less efficient. Full Hybrids operate on the electric motor under 25 mph while mild ones rarely cut off the gas engine. The advantage to this is that the full hybrid saves tons of gas in city driving.
I am still considering conventional gas engine cars like the Toyota Yaris. I have about 2 weeks to make a decison and a purchase. This theory needs to become a reality...
Brooklyn, What?
All the obvious pluses to returning to Brooklyn should be clear. Lbo and I get to be roommates for the first time. Psych can be watched in the way God intended it to be. Perhaps there will even be a return of the balling duo; if L and I ever stop acting like old farts with knee and shoulder injuries.
Brooklyn my habitat, the place where it happens at.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The Enemy of Perfect
the unspeakable should be given voice
wait too long and words fall on deaf ears
the greater good may be now
reality betrays us all
putting a fine point on our shortcomings
the truth lifting the mask
exclaiming that it alone holds all the answers
thwarting best made plans
and well laid out thoughts
in due time we settle
succumb the good
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Why I hate Lebron James
I've always had a healthy unreasonable hate for the star forward of the Cleveland Cavaliers. In the last year this has blossomed beyond flirting with disdain to a richer hate for most things he does: commercials are less funny, basketball games less interesting, and life worse for humanity in general. Some may dismiss my views as "unsubstantiated" or mere hyperbole, but I assure you that I cannot stand the sight of this man. I would not go as far as calling him a no talent hack, but that's only cause common wisdom dictates that someone averaging 40+ points in the playoffs with 5+ rebounds and assists cannot be labeled as such. This is not personal, for that I cite Kobe's overall bitchiness.
I do not like the way Lebron plays the game of basketball. He reminds me of the Knicks back in the days when Anthony Mason was the point forward; the ball does not move around and he bulls through people to get to the hole. Kobe, Pierce even Garnet, all forwards comparable to Lebron, use finesse and style to get to the basket. While there is merit in keeping the game simple and I understand that the shortest distance is a straight line, it shouldn't be through the defender.
While it does seem excessive to write about Lebron after he has been eliminated, I had to get this off my chest. After the playoffs and through next season there will be talk of the Knicks acquiring him, so this is weighing on my mind. I don't think he will end up in the orange and blue, but even the speculation gets me worked up. Hopefully he's a decent human being, I'm not holding my breath.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
American Will
A coworker echoed the Cheney reasoning: "Americans want to intervene but lack the will to do what it takes to win." This was in the context of an ongoing discussion of the targeting of civilians by America and the use of napalm. This was also with the backdrop of John Stewart tripping over himself walking back from critical statements of U.S. use of nukes.
I will readily admit that my morals and principals do not allow for any form of mass murder and destruction; I can't even stomach the death penalty. Hundreds, maybe thousands of Iraqis were murdered when we targeted high level targets in Saddam's regime. We are making the same mistakes in Pakistan and Afghanistan with drone strikes. I understand war but I detest it; it should always be a last resort. Our Iraqi occupation is not a last resort. Americans may not have the "will," but we do a great job at turning a blind eye.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Why I am a Liberal: The Conservative
The conservative mindset has no self-awareness to speak of; it consists of bravado with little to back it up. The one theme, the single thread of consciousness which everything else springs from, is that America is a gift to the world. This jingoist views American history through the equivalent of beer goggles; the so-so girl next door becomes a modeling chick after enough brews have been knocked back.
The conservative premise leads to circular logic that we see in "debates" of the day: America does not torture therefore "waterboarding" is not illegal. America "waterboards" in a "humane" way. These arguments disregard facts in settled law and history.
Symbols of our racist past, to say nothing of our present, are white-washed so people feel free to fly the confederate flag. This logic prevades in more just conservatives; I know far too many people who refuse to see that an unprovoked attack is a illegal.
This is not to say that pride in ones nation has no place, on the contrary, pride is what leads you to want you nation to be at it's best. This means knowing and accepting it's full history; the good, the bad and the indefferent.
True pride means working to improve on its failings and conserving, yes conserving, the points of greatness.
Why I am a Liberal: The Revolutionary
Jefferson has been famously quoted (not by any revolutionaries I know) as saying that occasionally the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants. What human history has shown time and time again is that tyranny is what stays standing. Well meaning individuals usually pave the way for tyrants.
The truth is that whatever justice is gained through blood-shed is usually tainted by it; This is the falicy of the violent revolutionary. The aim is to bring down a government for a laundry list of crimes ranging from war crimes to wrongful imprisonment.
This blind following of the ends justifying the means puts the revolutionary and the conservative in the same box. The cause is so pure that whatever actions taken to achieve their utopia is irrelevant.
I respect the revolutionary, vision, passion and devotion; I don't agree with the means. If this could be tapped and channeled to the masses real change could happen.
Why I am a Liberal: The Liberal
A true liberal is someone who is broad minded. This is sometimes twisted to mean someone without principles, but that is the furthest from the truth. I define Liberisms principles by the words of the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Since this is the founding principle of our government it is these principles that every governing body should keep in mind.
Every person should be able to have a full life regardless of the circumstances they are born into. This is why Universal Healthcare is a right not a luxury. Basic Healthcare , preventive care and non-cosmetic service should be readily and freely available. There is and should be a place for private healthcare for those who choose to pay for additional services.
This is best stated as a mash-up of the first and fourth ammendments. I really can't do a better job of explaining it than that.
Pursuit of Happiness...
A person is "happy" if the first two principles are fulfilled but there is more to life. A person should have a reasonable opportunity to make a living for themselves and their family. In order to do this a higher education should be freely available according to ones acuity and a minimum standard of a living wage should be applied.
These are principles I hope everyone can stand by.
Why I am a Liberal: The Rant
I am tired of the image of the mealy-mouthed, weak-kneed liberal who is afraid to offend.
I believe in standing up for the truth no matter how ugly it is. Transparency is key to a vibrant Democracy. I am aware that the country that I know and love has a jaded history that most are in denial of. We've sold arms to despots, installed dictators and supported death squads; however that is only part of the story. We've also been the overwhelming force for good in world wars, the refuge for the persecuted and the hope for the future.
Statement on Torture
among others, Burma, Cuba, North
Korea, Iran, and Zimbabwe, have long sought
to shield their abuses from the eyes of the
world by staging elaborate deceptions and
denying access to international human rights
monitors. Until recently, Saddam Hussein
used similar means to hide the crimes of his
regime. With Iraq’s liberation, the world is
only now learning the enormity of the dictator’s
three decades of victimization of the
Iraqi people. Across the country, evidence
of Ba’athist atrocities is mounting, including
scores of mass graves containing the remains
of thousands of men, women, and children
and torture chambers hidden inside palaces
and ministries. The most compelling evidence
of all lies in the stories told by torture
survivors, who are recounting a vast array of
sadistic acts perpetrated against the innocent.
Their testimony reminds us of their great
courage in outlasting one of history’s most
brutal regimes, and it reminds us that similar
cruelties are taking place behind the closed
doors of other prison states.
The United States is committed to the
worldwide elimination of torture, and we are
leading this fight by example. I call on all
governments to join with the United States
and the community of law-abiding nations in
prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all
acts of torture and in undertaking to prevent
other cruel and unusual punishment. I call
on all nations to speak out against torture
in all its forms and to make ending torture
an essential part of their diplomacy. I further
urge governments to join America and others
in supporting torture victims’ treatment centers,
contributing to the U.N. Fund for the
Victims of Torture, and supporting the efforts
of nongovernmental organizations to
end torture and assist its victims.
No people, no matter where they reside,
should have to live in fear of their own government.
Nowhere should the midnight
knock foreshadow a nightmare of state-commissioned
crime. The suffering of torture victims
must end, and the United States calls on all
governments to assume this great mission.
International Day in Support of
Victims of Torture
June 26, 2003
Administration of George W. Bush,
Lobstah Part Deux
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bounty of Booty from RI
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Born Identity
I must admit though that this bornday is unlike other in recent history. For the last several years it's been a day/weekend to get together with my peoples and celebrate the passing of another year together. This year I still have most of my original peoples and now have some new peoples. I want to keep it real low key 'cause I'm too far apart from the people I love. DJ's mom call me out on it the other day and she was right.
I feel that friends and family are one in the same. They say you know a person by the company they keep. I must be the G.O.A.T cause I know people of all stripes and I work daily to hopefully be imbued with their best qualities. I guess that would make me Rogue...
While I got my good sense and looks from my mom and dad, you all are my:
Love - All Ya'll
Heart - Claw
Soul - JWow
Consciousness - KoolRedd
Pillar - Brain
Kindness - Keyesie
Cool - J$
Style - HD (of course I have to shout myself out)
Spirit - DJ
Strength - Spontaneous
Sense of Humor - Phantom
Memory - X
Courage - Mz Pack
I am who I am because of you...
Thank you.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Nice Guys
but that only comes from my type
smart, handsome, dressed to the nines
cover topics: politics to the Knicks
the sway of your hips to my kicks
got spots from BK to the bricks
not renaisance - your everything man
typecast "nice guy"
passed over and passed by
not interested? I wouldn't ask why
the price of being me is steep
priceless, an antique hope to speak
Maybe I'm not a Nice guy...
Thursday, April 02, 2009
BB King Adventure
legend is a word bandied about, but, this man is beyond that. this man is an icon and the standard bearer for all performers. gotta get up earlier and practice till daybreak to hope to compare.
his age shows but on stage he knows how to play lucille and the crowd. Both are pitch perfect and orchestrated by B to weave a complete show. So laid back and cool he does not miss a beat as he has done this too many times to count.
I guess that's all I have for now, perhaps more coherent thoughts will come in the morning...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Imperialism 101: Iraq Year 6
The numbers:
4258 US troops dead
316 Non-U.S. Troops dead
over 600,000 civilian causalities
$800 billion of US taxpayers' funds spent
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Problem: A living room with no coffee/center table. A used ottoman that looked past it's prime.
The Objective: Turn the ottoman into a coffee table with storage while keeping it's functionality as an ottoman.
The Process:

Table top made from bamboo plants

Foam being attached to frame

Finished foam

Engineering + interior design

Chocolate vinyl wrapped around the frame


This is for the bottom/floor of the storage unit.

Bottom put in place.

Finished product in ottoman form

Finished product in coffee table form

Still coffee table form

Showing off both sides
Thursday, March 12, 2009
For what it's worth...
J-L-I-VE at Mercury
Oddy came out as the second act and got the crowd even louder. The Mercury Lounge stage never got so much love, till 3rd party came back with some even stronger tracks that they laid down in Brazil; it was then time for the live one.
J-Live came on stage with a huge roar from the crowd, I was right up front, he commanded the MIC, the crowd and the turn-tables from that point. The stage was set with verses from his current album, but soon we were all on a journey mapping out his 14 years as an MC.
Even though it's 2am and I have work in 3 hours I still feel that energy. A good show doesn't just make you go deaf for a few hours, it invigorates you. I know that I’ve been dealing with a lot, most of it on the inside, but I was free for a few hours. Those few hours are why art is so valuable especially in these tough times. I know 5am will come too soon but right now it feels like 9000 miles.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This may sound a little bit unbelievable, but I watched "Next" yesterday and it got me thinking. Does the 2 minute rule preserve the continuity of time? Does it break the rules? By the end I started to think about destiny and freedom of choice. It inspired the following...
the possibilities are endless
lives touch and cross through the ages
me, you, her and him
we each progress in our own time
false choices and pitfalls
path littered with mistakes
people we take for granted
the mistake is not taking a chance
in you, me, her and him
the possibilities are endless
but we all have one destiny
and i'd like to make you mine
Monday, March 09, 2009
Smoke and Mirrors
So you want pictures?