Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Things have been kinda crazy in my little world. I got a job a Software Engineer in Jersey. It's a far out land I swore I would keep the world safe from as long as I lived and breathed. It obvious that some things trump my hate for all things Jersey. I've finally been given the chance that I've worked for all these years after college.
This new opportunity has brought up lots of wrinkles in my world. I am now looking, and have been for a while, to move out to Jersey or get a car. I've been visiting apartments in Jersey city the last two months with hopes of finding a place that would be livable at a reasonable price. My luxurious 240 square feet of bedroom cannot be touched by any of the places out there. Eco-friendly and beautiful bamboo flooring is not found elsewhere and nothing with such spectacular color.
What I have found very comforting is my new digs at my job. I've got an office, a 12foot by 12 foot room with a door all to myself. They've even recently given me a tag with my name on it to place on said door. I can't wait till they do an episode of "Cribs: New Jersey", I'll bring them to my office and say "and this is where the magic happens." I guess it doesn't really work if I can't somehow make it rain gold or diamond dust or some other equally baller thing.
More later...but pretty much all I really wanted to say was
Happy Holidays!!!!
Also, if you are reading this you probably got an invite to our New Years Party. If you haven't you should know you are invited anyway.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I have noticed in my travels (around NYC) things being used for a purpose that was not originally intended. I have seen doors used as tables, mason jars used as glasses and puppies used as handbags.
Nowadays its all about the vintage clothes and the rustic look. People pay a high premium for stuff that was owned by people a long time ago. I can see some of the joy that can be derived from owning something that has been on the earth and used by someone decades before. I plan on keeping all my clothes and passing them down to my grandkids in my will.
I love the planet and all so I know it is actually better in most cases to reduce and reuse than it is to recycle. In that spirit I decided to do some repurposing of my own. My first stab at repurposing was with the shelving in my room. Floors hold things and that's what I want shelves to do so why don't I used my floor as a shelf. I can't keep everything on my floor, so I thought to use excess flooring in my storage area for shelving.
Before I knew it the shelves were up and I was trying to figure out what else I could do with the extra flooring.
Under bed storage
Order of Operations
I recently accepted a job as a Software Engineer, my dream job. I however forgot that there were other parts of the equation that really needed to be considered. First of all I really liked where I was. The work was interesting and the people were totally awesome from the day I stepped in the door.
I've remarked to my people at home many a time that "this will all pass" and "they're being nice to the new guy." I figured that once the new guy shine wore off I would get the dirty looks and the sharp tongues. I waited and waited and waited to get down to the business as usual but it never came.
I dreaded the day I had to resign. For the first time in my short existence it was real difficult to leave a job. This was perhaps more difficult than when I left Kodak at the end of college when everyone around me was pink slipped. That time was more tragic because guys who were with the company over 20 years were being let go but it was expected given the hardships of the company.
The next problem is that my dream job is in New Jersey. As I understand it currently my choices are as follows:
1. Drive to Jersey 1.5 hours everyday with a possibility of a 2 plus hour drive in the winter
2. Take a 2.5 hour subway to path to bus ride to Jersey daily.
3. Move to Jersey
Choices 1 and 3 will cost about the same. Choice three would also mean that I would essentially have a weekday and weekend home.
It's all a bit much for me. As of today I now have 12 day to have all of this figured out. I've essentially wasted two days doing housework for a place I may not be officially in within 2 weeks.
After entering college I realized I had no desire to actually build a robot or a futuristic propulsion system. I do enjoy solving problems. I found my bit of the problem-solving pie in the puzzles posed by programming hardware and software. From the instant I got my hands on a microprocessor board I was hooked. Assembly language made so much more sense to me than Steinbeck or F Scott Fitzgerald.
Assembly was just a gateway into Hardware programming languages like VHDL and Verilog and soon I found myself chasing the dragon. Poor choice of words. Putting together an embedded project is like getting two siblings who are always at odds to get along. Whenever something odd happens they always point to each other.
I've finally arrived. I am now an engineer, actually I am between jobs right now. On the 26th of this month it will be super official; one of my dreams will come true. I will be an engineer. A software engineer to be specific.
Please do not pinch me.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Check Yourself
What kind of checks do I order? Glow in the dark so I can write them in the middle of the night. Perhaps I can choose ones sporting the image of master chief to show that I am all about Halo 3. Another option is the New York Knicks minus the sexual harassment. The possibilities are endless. I really need to choose carefully because I will be staring at these babies once a month for the next seven years.
Just call me the check writer.
Or Die Laughing...
Due to incredible lameness on my part I was unable to watch the Boondocks when the season premiere aired on Sunday night. If it wasn't for my digital recorder, which remembered to record this show for me, I would have been a sad individual all week. Troubled my forgetfulness and in great need to relieve myself, I got out of bed at 4:30am and proceeded to sync my Zen with my PC.
I'd been waiting for the second season of the animated adaptation of Aaron McGruder's syndicated cartoon column for over a year now and was overjoyed to be finally viewing this. It didn’t disappoint. Five seconds into the show I started cracking up; I must have looked like a crackpot to everybody else on the train.
It’s funny, socially relevant (some may say irreverent), and beautifully drawn.
I hate it when I figure out a smart, interesting pithy response too late. It’s all you think about for a couple hours afterwards. It haunts you in your dreams if you don’t finally let that someone in on the joke. In that spirit I present: “I said this but, I really should have said…” (I am still working on the title)
Manager: I am off to purchase goods and services at a nearby establishment. You are a hardworking gentleman and I am a kind soul. Would you like to quench your parched throat with some precious liquid?
I Said this: I would like a spot of fine tea on ice.
I really should have said this: Scotch
It seemed a lot funnier in my head…
Friday, October 05, 2007
Over The Hill
She A Very Freaky Girl Dont Bring Her To Mamma
First You Get Her Name Then You Get Her Number
Then You Get Some Brain In The Front Seat Of
The Hummer Then You Get Some Brain In The Front
Seat Of The Hummer
Terrible... His many talents include a completely garbage flow and a fundamental lack of understanding of how to rhyme. "Mamma" and "Number" don't actually rhyme but they can kinda sound alike of you mispronounce either, or both, really badly. While "Hummer" and "Hummer" do rhyme he only got that one right because he does not bother to come up with another line for his hook.
I could almost forgive the aforementioned sins; after all it's only a hook. His transgressions, however, do not stop here. His very first line was uttered by Rick James and with more flare and style by this pioneer of funk.
I believe the second line of his hook can be best dismissed with a famous biggie line. "Who they attractin with that line, 'What's your name what's your sign' ." By the way, that last quote from Biggie is better than any line Gucci Mane could dream of coming up with.
I will leave you with this gem:
Dont Be Conceded Girl I Know You Here Girl I
Know Ya Secret Girl But Im Gon Keep It Girl
Oh You's A College Girl Be A Gucci Girl Oh
You A Gucci Fan Let's Go To Gucci Land You
Diggin Gucci Man Cause Only Gucci Can Drop
A Stack Pop You Back Wit A Rubberband You
Diggin Gucci Gucci Let's Do The Cuchi Cuchi
Oh That's You Girlfriend Why Dont You Introduce Me
Friday, September 21, 2007
Going Back again
I tend to forget: People, places, occasions and things. Time travel would remedy all of this. For instance I met a gentleman on the subway the other day who attended Hunter with me. He recognized me even though he said that I gained some weight since high school. I didn't say anything when he said that. Anyway, I could have gone back 8 or 9 years to figure out who in the world this dude was. I am sure I knew him at some point in time but I couldn't really make any useful connections. There was a slight glimmer of hope when he showed me his hunter ID but whatever was sparked faded rather quickly.
Times like this make me seriously question how I will manage as I get on in age. Am I a candidate for early onset Alzheimer's? Hopefully there is a cure for all of this sometime in the future. Too bad I haven't built a time machine as yet.
Sometimes you have to go backwards to leap forward. I have decided to go back to school again. This is my second try at it, my first was an attempt at Brooklyn College C.S. M.S. this summer. I am sure this go around will be much better as Computer Architechture is more my cup of tea.
Before long everyone will have to call me Master James.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Conan O'Brien
Some things about the show did surprise me though. The set is incredibly tiny; Max Weinberg actually sits on Conan's lap the entire show. Conan also looked a little like he was under the weather. He looked incredibly skinny and his face was sunken and a little more wrinkled than I thought it should be. The contrast between his face and the red hair is even greater in person; I think that's what actually makes him look washed out. I am sure the makeup didn't help.
I had tons of fun at the show but was definitely disappointed that there wasn't even one reference to I.T.L.P.D.
Nobody is Perfect.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Going Back
If I could go back in time that would make sense. I am sure the ridiculously long acronym doesn't help either. You see, it was International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th and I failed to do my due diligence that day even though I was alerted very early about this very special celebration. Redd and Jwow were on point with Pirate trivia and pickup lines. I could not even muster a simple posting. This would not be a problem for a well versed time traveler.
It's even less of a problem for a savvy poster who know how to edit "Post Options."
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I wrote this blog, a long time ago a really long time ago!!!
New material later, this now...
It might seem a little late but I think it's perfectly timed. Some may have been brimming with excitement with the whole new year but I can say I wasn't one of them. That little changeover in a day brings so many things with it, the first and perhaps worst of all is the dreaded "Resolution." I didn't make one and haven't for the last 5 years.
Yes, I am a rebel. I think it's unreasonable to think that in the midst of the emotional roller coaster known as December that anyone can truly do the proper soul searching required to resolve to do or not do something. Moreover, the resolve rarely last longer than 4 weeks. After the tryptophan wears off, resolutions also go by the wayside. At this point it becomes a burden and usually the annoying thing your friends remind you about.
I'm usually "that guy" but there is nothing worse than being bugged by "that guy" with an "I told you so." It's not that I mind being wrong. The bigger issue is that I already know that I was properly advised previously. (A little bit of topic)
Resolutions I really useless; the only one I have been able to keep is to stop making them.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Things tend to happen
On our way back we decided to do a little searching for some other basketball courts nearby. Total failure. When we returned to the court there were a few people there and we were able to play some a couple of 3 on 3s and a full court before it got too dark. I really love playing baskeball.
I've discovered that it now take me a while to get into the flow of the game. It's as if I am surprised that the playing I am playing against is putting forth effort. I basically play tentative/scared until something big happens... The play that did it for me yesterday is when some dude blocked me on a layup attempt. I knew that I hadn't gone to the hole strong and was really embarrassed. At that point I put on the swagger and began yucking it up with the guys on the court.
I hate losing. We lost the last game because I lost track of my man on defense a couple times and then when I was on him he was hitting it right over me. Getting scored on is it alright but losing your man is unforgivable. My ability to run through screens has definitely been diminished. I expected my lateral movement to be slow and i do get crossed more often now but my recovery speed (closing in on a cutting offensive player) has been the the hardest thing on me.
The beset thing was when I posted LBO up and hit a turn-around jumper on him yesterday.
You are a bear and she's a little bunny rabbit. Sometimes these things work themselves out.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
And it was good
I was able to play in about 3 games in the 2 hours of sunlight left after my workday. None of the other players were of a high caliber or medium for that matter. Perhaps they were low caliber. They were also all in their mid teens. The competition isn't really my fault; I don't know the neighborhood well enough to know where the good games are. I am also unsure if I am still capable of playing in a good game. I definitely can't jump as high as a used to...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
St. Lucia Day Six
When we finally got on the road we all came to regret the choice to take the local route. This particular bus driver was determined to break all land speeds even if it meant flying off the side of a mountain while doing it. His insane actions included but certainly were not limited to:
- passing a car into oncoming traffic
- passing 2 cars into oncoming traffic
- breaking the sound barrier around a hairpin turn
- nudging another car out the way
- defying the laws of physics and not crashing
The Botanic Gardens were breathtaking, unfortunately we were on a time limit. I tried to soak up as much as I could with the time allotted. What I was struck by most was all the color from top to bottom. The grounds crew also setup some displays that were very informative. I was actually able to see the insides of a cocoa pod; there was also information on how everything in the garden is used to do everything from landscaping to making compose. After making quick work of the gardens I went over to the falls to take some pictures. It was pretty cool but would have been much better if they allowed people to bathe in it. The water from was a light grey color from the mineral deposits, it would have been like a spa treatment.
The sulfur springs stink, however, I eventually got used to the smell. I was really looking forward to the hot spring bath so as soon as the guide got to that point I jumped in. A few guys were already in the bath, from what I could tell they were some sort of springs gurus. They were quite "happy to see a black man on vacation." The hot springs were a very hot 98 degrees according to the gurus. It was absolutely delightful being in there. Everyone was so at ease that we were no longer concerned about rushing to meet the catamaran.
There were several boats docked at the pier when were arrived back at the port of Soufriere. As I walked along the pier I noticed that one of the ships with a familiar name. Before I left New York my cousin had given me the name of a ship and a person to talk to. The name wasn't exactly right but close enough. After a cryptic conversation with the gentleman on the boat and a short cell phone call we had passage on the catamaran.
The catamaran ride was an absolute blast. The view of the island from the sea was gorgeous, I feel lucky that I was able to get a view from so many different angles. Besides the views the actual ride was really great; it reminded of the batboat cruising just over the waves and spraying water everywhere. Awesome.

The ship stopped for snorkeling at a bay called Anse Concho. The waters were a light green/blue
and there were fish of all sorts of pretty colors everywhere. The only problem was that the bay is almost filled to the brim with snorkelers, this was apparently a big stop for the tours. I didn't really want to do many tourist-like things but snorkeling is just plain fun.
After Anse Concho we took a quick pass through Marigot Bay. The "tour guide" mentioned something important/unique about it but I don't recall/didn't pay attention. I also saw a fantastic pirate ship as we rode up the coastline. As the ship got closer to Rodney Bay the guide forced the lot of tourists to pretend that they had been dancing and having a good time the entire trip. I took a principled stand and refused to join the charade.
If they actually played charades I would have joined in...
Friday, July 06, 2007
St. Lucia Day Five
It was only 6EC for breakfast for my mother and I; this included two drinks. When we were almost done with breakfast our ride showed up and we hopped on in. St. Lucia is mountainous. There's a huge difference between the coastal and inland areas around here. All journeys inland require climbing up some sort of hill or driving up the side of a mountain. This trip up felt longer and seemed to have more twists and turns than the one to the rain forest.
My grandfather had been working in the yard and looked like a bit of a mess. There was a brief sizing up and a hello when he saw me and then we didn't really speak much. Instead my mom gave me a tour of the house she used to live in while he chatted with the gentleman who took us up to his house. I was reminded that at one point my family owned most of the land around and we ended up selling it for ice cream, our only weakness. The cashew trees in the back attracted lots of beautiful birds. These birds, unlike the ones in the rain forest, seemed accustomed to the human presence and didn't fly away as quickly or as far when I approached.
After my bird watching my grandfather collected cashew fruits for me. The birds had already started feasting on the ones he picked but I didn't really have any intention on eating them. He also has a mango tree in his front yard with these flavorful small mangoes. I definitely appreciate the trees people grow in their yards here over huge swaths of useless grass.
On our way down the hill we went through the new tunnels built in St. Lucia. These are nothing more than long underpasses through big hillsides. Neither is more than a few hundred meters long. We were dropped off in the market in Castries with no particular destination in mind. After bit of quick thinking I thought that it would be good to see my aunt who has a stand in the middle of the city. She seemed quite excited to see me. According to her I am an exact copy of my father. I can't really argue with that.
After that brief visit we went around the market picking up a couple of things along the way. I was finally able to find contact lens solution in the oldest drug store on the island. I headed back to the hotel to put away the goods from the market and headed over the the beach. It was a very short visit because we had dinner plans for the evening.
We were picked up at the hotel then we were driven up by Mr. Weeks to his family's house. It was absolutely beautiful. As I stepped into the kitchen I smelled the food which was just as beautiful. Mr. Weeks brought us up to the balcony where we sipped on some Chairman's Reserve as my grandmother put down some whiskey. Mr Weeks made the mistake of cutting my grandmother's whiskey with water but got the point after she gulped down the first drink.
There was great food with great conversation all night long. We were being entertained by one of the best. He had true stories, jokes and did I mention rum? Since some of the jokes and part of the conversation was occasionally in patois I was forced to be the translator. Lbo picked up a patois phrase along the way. I will leave it up to him to tell you more about that.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
St. Lucia Day Four
I cannot accurately describe the splendor of the rain forest. The plethora of plant and animal life is just too great and my knowledge far too little. Our guide was fantastic though. He had all the facts and figures to provide us as we traveled through the differing strata. I learned that most plants can double as aphrodisiac and baskets. Others are less useful and are used to tie hogs or cure the common cold.
Next up was a short trip to the beach where I realized that I was incredibly out of practice with swimming but fortunately did not come to that realization the hard way. In addition to this I also learned:
1. contacts do not like the water
2. while under water you should hold your breath
3. sugar cane is also tasty at the beach
4. walking barefoot not as hard as it looks
The last adventure for the night was dinner with some close friends of the family. We were treated like royalty with another full spread set up for us. No delicious good were spared in the making of the meal. At the end there were several island fruits and desserts for the taking.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
St. Lucia Day Three
Let's start at the beginning...
I was supposed to meet my mom down at the center of town at 10:30 but due to uncontrollable circumstances I was waiting for the bus outside my hotel at that time. The bus ride was kind of interesting with your usual collection of colorful folk taking public transportation. This bus did not have a television with the latest calypso like the first ride but was interesting nonetheless because I discovered it was actually a transformer. In terms of transformations it was more the Megatron than the Optimus prime of this but what can you expect for a small island. For those of you who do not understand the reference Megatron transforms from a robot to a gun or a cannon and then needs to be shot by someone. Well Optimus Prime is Optimus Prime.

In order to accommodate a large number of people in a small bus there were folding seats. If you do not know they exist it's likely that you will look at new people entering an already packed bus just wondering where they could fit. Perhaps they could secretly spider-man and plan on chilling on the underside of the roof. As the person reaches over you notices that annoying bar next to you is actually a super secret chair that not even Q could have devised.
The cell phone that was passed on to me was kinda busted so when I attempted to call my mom all I got was static. Actually all that phone did was make "static" noises rather than anything real or audible. Feeling a little bit worried that we had missed our window I decided to take a different less obvious route into the market. My guess was right and I saw my mom a few meters away(savvy metric reference).
Before long we were in the heart of the city on a bee-line to my grandfather's doctor. Only problem is that when we reached there he was nowhere in sight. He is apparently a very impatient man who felt the need to go about his business rather than wait on his daughter and grandson he hadn't seen in 19 years.
After an errand or 300 later that my mom had to get done it was time to eat. I feasted on local foods from a local vendor in the market. Lbo had a baked mac and cheese with chicken and I had some bake and salt fish and bake and herring as well as some fish cakes, all at the low low price of $11 EC about $4.
We were then off to see my old neighborhoods. I really don't want to go into it to much because I think I need a little bit more time for reflection. The short story is that the houses I grew up in look like hell holes. Whatever warped images left from my infancy are lies at this point.........
Our next stop was a close friend of my grandmother's who wanted to treat me to local food. She got the cook from the governor's house to whip up some ground provisions (roots and shit like potato), lobster deliciousness and mahimahi. Everything was so good and so beautiful over there. The view from the top of the hill was so impressive that it almost helped me forget about the state of my old hood. Mango trees growing taller than the second story balcony and the street lights hitting the avocado on exactly the right spot.
I smiled.
Then I closed my eyes on the car ride back to the hotel. There are few things scarier than driving at night in St. Lucia. The tiny country-side roads with the blind turns and big cars and people on the street. Did I mention the blinding headlights???
(Dang not enough time!!! I gotta go to the rain forest...)
So I did the rain forest thing today and I will write about that in the morning
Monday, July 02, 2007
St. Lucia Day Two
I'm doing this blogging thing a little later than expected today. Due to the heights of adventure reached yesterday I slept in a little. The day started with a 18 minute flip flop walk to the north of the island. As I walked down the road I started to appreciate sidewalks and avenues a little more. The roads are quite tiny over her and I felt that my life was in danger each and every time a car passed by no less than a foot from my shoulder. Though I did not get to go very far I found the walk brought me a little closer to the island and was a lot more authentic than the two plus hours spent in the resort celebrating my grandmother's 77th birthday.
I had no clue that the lunch was going to be held near Pigeon Island, which is now inaccurately named since they filled in the gap to make it an islet. From Pigeon Point/Sandals Resort to Pigeon Island was a blast. The foliage and the view of the west coast of the island is absolutely breathtaking. As I walked up I could imagine the battles waged at Fort Rodney, the vantage point meant that a surprise attack was all but ruled out.
From the top of the Fort I could see another even higher point on the same island/islet. I decided to see if I could find the path to it and get to that peak. The trail there was a little bit tougher, nothing impossible, but the view was even better. I found myself looking down on the Fort imagining ships coming from the north towards Martinique and canons at the Fort being guided by my signal where and when to fire.
After taking in the history and beauty of the Fort the battery from the camera was pretty much dead and I was only able to get a couple of shots of the sunset. There was also quite a long walk ahead along the roadside to the main intersection where the first bus stop was. A guard at the Sandals claimed it was a 5-10 minute walk but it was more like 30-40 minutes. It's an especially long 30 minutes when headlights are rushing by you in the dark.
Lbo and I discovered, much like columbus, an italian ice place with some delicious tamarind flavored ice. So now he wants tamarind with sugar cane at every turn.
I better get off my bum and start exploring. Today has been dubbed family day. With visits to family and the old neighborhood as well as a Lobster dinner.
But first we are off to the Market...
Sunday, July 01, 2007
St. Lucia Day One
I suggested exploring San Juan to Lbo but instead we ended up exploring the terminal; gate 12 was my favorite.
Rewinding for a bit. I was apparently stupid and brought water with my carry-on. It then became property of the United States Government. Also 6 Oz of toothpaste is way to much to carry on a plane. I offered to squeeze three out but the guard didn't think that was legit. He did inform me that "I didn't pass the bar but I know a little bit" and then referenced the old 80s brick instead of a VCR trick when i noted the bottle was unopened. There was a bit of a commotion after passing through the checkpoint with TSA and cops and some dude who apparently got tired of being checked or something.
When we got to the island I declared nothing at customs and made my merry way to the outside where I found my long lost brother. He was far more interested in the stuff I was instructed to bring than the fact that he had never seen me in his life. After taking a close look at him I wasn't all that interested either.
The roads are crazy and we almost crashed. This is all explained by the fact that they decide to drive on the other side of the street. I am not sure which convention was decided up first but clearly one of us is wrong.
The hotel is small and friendly. It's also well air conditioned and clean. The food at the restaurant is the bomb. So far we've ordered: garlic shrimp, coconut shrimp, seafood Accra, plantain, duck something or the other wrapped in roti and chicken something else. All were delicious. There is also a great rum punch over here. Lots of rum.
It gets quite dark here once the sun goes down. I've been spoiled by the light pollution so prevalent in the city. The walk over to and on the beach was real nice except for the slippers. There were tiny crabs scampering about the shore and lots of of bigger ones just chilling as the sea washed up on them. The water was nice temperature as it rushed up on the shore and onto me feet. I wanted to jump in but realized the folly of that idea immediately.
Today I will be chillin' with some fam and then head over to the market to get some goods. O and I introduced Lbo to sugar cane and now he is nuts about it.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
My Computer is Dead
Monday, May 14, 2007
Time Travelin'
Before long, but a bit later than planned, there was a smorgasbord of deliciousness. The lunch started with mini meatballs with a meat sauce which was followed up by a coconut shrimp appetizer. My main dish was a rice-avocado-mango-chicken salad which was perfect to compliment the spring weather. This incarnation of coconut shrimp was the best that I have done so far. One of the fresh ingredients I got from Stop and Shop was a coconut which I enlisted Lbo's gym going muscles to crack. I then grated the coconut and used that to coat the shrimp along with panko before frying them to a golden brown color. As usual I paired this with a peanut coconut sauce.
One day ago....
We went to a Mets game where I made sure to rock the freshest Mets gear out there. My newly purchased $5 cap was the talk of the town but mostly cause the Mets kinda stunk up the day. This led to a comatosed DJ and LBO, not even Corona ice broke them out of the funk. I imagine that I am the same way after a Knicks loss but I usually cry myself to sleep away from prying eyes. We met up a little later with Booty Shop D and other awesome people but we never really recovered from that low point.
Back to the future....
Lbo's actual birthday was the bomb. I started the after work festivities with 3 scoops of Alphabet Scoop ice cream; life is much more beautiful through the ice cream lens. Things were even better after having some black spaghetti at Max's. Not even the bitchiness of the host could put a damper on the day. Oh and then there was Big Buck Hunting. Pkilla was nice enough to take some embarrassing shots of us.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Times they are a changin'
I tried as I could to fight the yearning to get a "next gen" system and had almost resigned to saving up money till December to get a new computer, but then the unthinkable happened. X heard me pining over Xbox 360 and offered to hook me up with the elite version. How could I say no? He ordered it last Sunday and for once there was actually someone here when the delivery guy came by. It was lust at first sight. I put it together right away and tested out just about every game that I had purchased the previous day.
It was at this point that I decided that from now on I will refer to everything in terms of when Xbox 360 came into my life. Thursday of this week is an epochal event: every day before it shall be know as X day Before Xbox360 (BX) and every day from that point shall be reffered to as After Xbox 360 (AX).
1:40PM 3 AX
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I really hate dollar vans
At some point in the day she proposed stepping out in the next weather and visiting the beach. My mother, though she was born on an island, does not like the beach or know how to swim. She also doesn't really like the beach for the most part but it suppose it seemed like the thing to say at the time. So my bro decides to pile everyone ( girlfriend, baby, mother) into his 2 door car and head towards the shore.
After some finagling they got the car seat in and mom in the back and were ready to head out. Barely 5 minutes into the trip they stop to allow a car to turn or something and as they wait for their chance to continue on the unthinkable happens. This stupid dollar van like every other loves to weave in and out of traffic like it's a slalom course. Of course this do this with absolutely no regard for the other vehicles on the road.
During it's travel this particular dollar van decides to disregard the car that has stopped in front of it and plows into the back of this car which then plows into the back of my brothers car. "The car was totaled in the back but everyone is alright. Nobody is hurt but your brother is complaining about some pain in his neck", the smile and joy brought on by the Newman were wiped off my face as my mom said those words.
I've joked about how resilient babies are but I was really scared of what could have happened to my niece. She's been on this earth for barely 3 months and I've barely seen her. I'm probably the worst uncle ever as the cute and fragile stage of my niece scares me. I was waiting till she toughens up a little before rough housing with her but this incident serves as a reminder for how precious time is.
It also proves that babies are basically made of rubber.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Birthday Weekendness
When I finally arrived at reBAR I was impressed with the setup. I really dug the high ceilings, the couches around the place and the wealth of windows. I met my TFC folks at the bar and quickly found out that they had gone to another bar first due to the aforementioned misdirection. It wasn't long before we started drinking and all that didn't matter.
KoolRed came through even though he was supposed to be working. Han-man who I recently reconnected with showed up and of course thruway had to attempt to outshine me. If I were a more sensitive man I would have wept with all the love I was feeling.
One last thing, chocolate pomegranate appetizer was "well good".
After an hour or so and a glass of wine or so 'Red had to bounce back to work. Little later TFC peoples broke out and Hanman, thruway and I headed over to Rice. I love Brooklyn but I am constantly confused by trendy neighborhoods where every street has the feeling of a back alley. Rice was delicious, we ordered tons of appetizers and got honey in test tubes to sweeten our teas. It was pretty much the best thing ever.
Next day...
I did the "Hope" thing in Williamsburg. It was a backyard BBQ thrown by Hope Lounge to benefit those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Everyone did their part for the cause: DJ had 4 cheeseburgers, Jwow I couldn't keep count, X tore it up with the garden burgers, my bro did his thing while Sharms and I held it down with the steak. X really wanted to join in with that but he was too full off the corn.
Our next stop was the 40/40 club to watch some boxing and listen to tunes. I wasn't aware until that night that the club is expensive because you get a happy ending when you walk in the door. I am fairly sure that dude was not searching for a concealed weapon. Still confused after the frisking we were led to our private table with our personal fuzzy LCD screen. It took a real long time to finally get on the same page with the waitress to get the boxing on. Before I knew it Merlot was flowing like Cristal and we were all chilling like that video...
Actual Birthday...
I almost got breakfast in bed from thruway if you count my couch as my bed; it could be since I've fallen asleep on it before. We were supposed to go to Cafe Mexicano but the deluge led me to cancel it. Instead the Brooklyn heads kept it real and we had some Japanese food. It was just a relaxed chill day so I can't complain.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Take Action
I am not a fan of global warming. Sounds like I found something to do part for part of my birthday weekend.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A whole heap of change

I recently changed jobs, in fact today makes it a month at the new place. The digs still have the new place smell and feel. Everyone loves me and treats me like a superstar: I'm enjoying it. I've worked for only non-profits my entire life till this point. It's a real change in some ways but I know the stinky underbelly known as "the bottom line" and it is the same everywhere. Non-profits battle for grants and corporations work for growth. Neither is inherently wrong but these goals tend to lay waste to anything in their path.
Almost every morning I am greeted by the sounds of James Brown filling the office as I prepare my breakfast. Few things are better than getting your morning started off on a "good foot " while sipping tea with honey and lemon. Slide a "generously" toasted muffin my way and I am practically in heaven.
I am slowly discovering that I may be the quiet type and that I only rarely come out of my shell. There are several branch offices I need to make contact with from time to time and I find that I am nervous every time I have to place a call. Before long I find myself in fairly comical conversations with receptionists or branch managers after stuttering through my opening lines.
Maybe I am one of those ugly girls from the movies who are clearly hot but my hair is up and an bun and I'm wearing ugly glasses??? I can't wait for my health insurance to kick in so I can buy a new pair.
It's late...
Friday, April 06, 2007
Where do I begin
Dude that was soooo eight grade...
I apparently still have a crush on this girl from my 8th grade class who I haven't seen in at least 4 years. It makes no sense as we never went out and nothing ever went on. Heck I don't even think I ever told her that I liked her in that way.
So I was in this karate class which was overflowing so much that the instructor asked me to form a new line. Somehow when I got into position in the new area I manage to aggravate my knee and fall over. My 8th grade crush rushed over to me and asked if I was "ok". Several hundred thousand things could have followed that and made perfect sense; however I do not make sense.
"I love you" Really??? So I am now extremely shook from this and do really know how to wrap my head around it. Anyone good at analyzing dreams cause this one is a doozie!!!
Drinks on everybody else....
Wanna by me drinks on Friday??? Hang out in a cozy lounge???? Maybe have dinner?? I am all for it as long as it is on you. I have decided that the best way to celebrate my Bday is to make it what I am calling a "Free Weekend." Free of work, free of worries and spending money for me not you....
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Pizza and Other things
I apologize for the really poor english in the last posting and probably this. I hope that as I write more my prose will develop and become more polished. If you really want to see some expert writing I would recommend LB0's blog. It's updated more frequently than mine and is far more beautifully written. I hope to reach those heights some day but I still remain a peon.
My birthday is April 15th. I plan on celebrating but I am not sure how. There's a Knicks game on the 16th. I was also thinking of throwing back a couple of drinks. There is also a possiblity of a house party on the 14th. More on this later...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Keeping up this
I've had a couple thoughts on how I can do this effectively. Basically 3 posts a week which will likely be some boring "this is what happened today" crap. Hopefully it those will eventually lead to the most exciting adventures since the Pirate Captain combed his luxurious beard and ate delicious ham.
I am just as good with text messaging as most people are with Dah-Dah, Dah-Dah-Dah, Di-Dah-Dit, DiDiDit, Dit; Dah-Di-Dah-Dit, Dah-Dah-Dah, Dah-Di-Dit, Dit (Morse Code). Though I have taken to doing more of it recently due to the text messagers I know. I had to add texting??? to my plan due to the messagers I know (Pkilla).
I've obviously written way more than I intended for today...
Sunday, January 14, 2007
"I want"
The truth is we all do things in order to get something out of it. I I do not play basketball for the love of the game but for the good feeling I get from pushing myself to the limit. I helped a stranger out on the subway the other day merely because I want to single-handedly change the perception that New Yorkers aren't friendly.
I was a little ashamed at first to admit that I want. In order to hide the true nature of this list I titled it "TIW" instead of Things I Want; A list of worldly attachments that may make me seem a little childish. I think it is completely acceptable and grown up to realize that there are things that you can possess that will change your outlook on yourself and the world around you.
For instance if I had a Wii I would be less involved with politics. The games look so fun and addictive that I wouldn't have time to listen to the radio or read the paper. It's not that I would stop caring, no, I would merely cease knowing.
Wanting is not bad as long as it is done responsibly. Nobody would look down on me if I admitted that i want world peace, I don't think that every desire has to be so deep. I want an XBOX 360 but will not forfeit on my mortgage, car payment or rob someone in order to attain this. This is the "don't hang your hat where you can't reach" theory. Basically I think it is fine, in fact quite healthy to admit - to be truthful concerning wants because otherwise it just eats you up inside.
You know what they say "Sunshine is the best disinfectant." Take that Ghandi!!!
Friday, January 12, 2007
I never thought that word would be applied to me before I hit my thirties but here I am. I am the modern day Paige Davis mixed with a refined Hildi Santo-Tomas. My room was transformed from beige tedium into Suessial vibrancy (???) with a couple strokes of the brush. Gone is the drab commercial carpeting and in with the eco-friendly alternative known as bamboo. Bamboo does not stop at the floor though, it permeates the entire space from the divider to the rods in the closet. As I said... Domestic.
Rhyme Reason Treason
Ridiculous Ranchers Ripping Roots
of Dried Dreary Deciduous Trees
Taking a Toll on Tamed Lands
Languishing Laymen Lay their
Rights Right down for the wrong Reason
Precaution Preached by Preeminent Persons
But Brother and Sister Still Sent to the Sun Stroked
Desert, they Deserve Deeper Deliberation
Before Being Betrayed By Brash Decisions
Better yet Bring them Back NOW!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Old to the New
The party had everything: great people, mediocre food and tons of alcohol. There was even dancing but I won't write any further about that. We sent the old year off with some Brugal. I later found out that it is rated internationally the best rum in the world. After the first shot I was sold on it's rating but at that point I would have also bought land in Florida. I insisted on watching the countdown on Univision, the station that brings you "Sabado Gigante!," however everyone else felt it was a terrible idea. Instead they chose to watch Dick Clark as he fumbled through the countdown.
Wonder Twins
No you cannot get it off Craig's List, nor would you want to. The Wonder twins are some guys we hired to do work for us but didn't actually know their names. At one point we thought they both had the same name; they didn't look alike at all. The last part is that we found that the work was not the best, in fact we still have a broken time from the work done in the kitchen. Makes you wonder why more things that they did haven't broken or spontaneously combusted...yet. That's all I have to say about that.
"Crap I got off Craig's List."
The entire apartment is like a who's who (or maybe a what's what) of Craig's List. There is at least two items on each floor from Craig's List. I found that the magic price for all items no matter the original cost or the size is an even $50. If someone can walk away with fifty they feel as if the transaction was totally worth it. I think fifty dollars has become the new twenty dollars as the most accepted currency. That was a made up "fact" but sounds like it could be true, which is good enough for me. Does anyone even forge 20s anymore? How much will that do for you?
If anyone knows where I can get a pot rack for $50 or less it would be appreciated.